Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Male Mind

I've spent that last week or so hanging around with one of my oldest friends, having a really good time and working almost not at all. It has been EXACTLY what I needed. This has been my first full week vacation since... ... ... Nevermind. In any rate, spending time with her, the conversation is always good, always honest (we've know each other a long time, and are generally past the lying-to-impress stage), and I always am presented with some interesting thoughts, angles, or spins on things that I would not have otherwise considered. Usually, this is a direct result of the fact that my friend is mutant smart, very dynamic, and female.

The female mind (or at least hers) always comes up with interesting points on topics that I otherwise would consider fairly cut and dried.

Take for example, band names. On the car ride home from a social function, a Finger Eleven song came on the radio. I'm sure you've heard it. Besides liking their music, I like Finger Eleven, because anyone who can come up with that sort of clever, thinly-veiled penis reference is someone that I tip my hat to. Creativly presented filth is always a pleasant change from the usual run-of-the-mill filth that I get shoved down my throat from sources like work, pop culture, and Las Vegas. So it's refreshing.

I any rate: In mentioning my respect for Finger Eleven to my friend (who has ongoing problems with male douchebaggery - which for once is not totally my fault - and who spent the day periodically enraged at the depths of such douchebaggery), I was presented with the idea that if men spent as much time thinking about other things as they spent thinking about their cocks, a lot of the drama and bullshit the world has to deal with would probably be solved in pretty short order. Seriously: how many different names, descriptors, or obsure referents are there for a penis? Even with the proviso that it is every man's best friend, favorite toy, and worst enemy - well worthy of a great deal of attention - doesn't it seem a bit odd? They say Eskimos have dozens of defferent words that mean subtle varioations of "snow" and/or "ice." But find me a culture anywhere that has less than fifty colloquial descriptors for cock. Take another listen to John Cleese's song about "Isn't it great to have a penis" for a quick refresher course.

Now then. If we spent as much time pondering cold fusion or particle physics as we spent coming up with clever ways to talk about naughty things, tell me wouldn't have cracked that pesky quantum gravimetrics nut.

I really don't have a point with all this, but I wanted to get it down, because I'm sure I'd file the idea away and give it no further attention otherwise, and this seems like something worthy of further consideration, and perhaps incorporation into a Rule or an Explanation.

1 comment:

Blake. said...

There's a parallel consideration. If women spent more energy solving problems and less energy reinventing and redefining shoes, they'd be more of a help, too.

I mean, if you're going to give full credence to one stereotype, you might as well give in to a few others.